Our Services
You can chose one or more of our services to optimize your conference.

1000 e-Mail
This service will facilitate the committee in calling for papers for their seminar activities.

Youtube Videos
This service will promote seminar activities through 2-3-minute videos containing invitations to attend seminar activities.

Instagram Advertisement
This service will promote seminar activities in the form of advertisements on Instagram for a duration of 7 days.

Fanpage Facebook
This service will promote seminar activities in the form of advertisements on Facebook for a duration of 7 days

1000 Whatsapp broadcast
This service is in the form of promotion of seminar activities by sending (broadcast) activities to 1000 targeted Whatsapp numbers (researchers, lecturers, and students) according to the field of seminar activities.

Social Media Post
Seminar activities will be uploaded on all conferences.id social media including Instagram, Twitter, Website, WAG, Telegram Channel, and Facebook
Next Conferences
These are upcoming conferences in our listing. Suggest your conference to display here.